Few things are more frustrating than purchasing a phone only to find out it doesn't perform the way you expected. Well a new website called Tryphone.com allows its visitors to take a virtual tour through the UI of some of the latest cell phones on the market. Currently the beta version offers four models to choose from (Apple iPhone, Samsung Juke, Blackberry Pearl and LG Muziq), but the company plans on adding more phones each week.
Now there are limitations, so don't expect to be able to change wallpapers or compose an email/text message as those options are not available yet. You will also notice that features like scroll navigation are not properly depicted due to the limitations of the mouse. Fortunately all clickable items are highlighted when you position your mouse over an icon to make it easier to see what options are available.
Although it won't replace some good hands on experience, it will help you narrow down your choices and give you the insight you need to make a more confident/educated decision.
Check it out here