Friday, September 19 was the release date for the new Apple iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. To be sure to cover the new iPhone line inside and out, most of our editors now have at least one of the models. Cam started things off by getting the iPhone 6 Plus delivered early in the UK, so his unboxing was first. Evan decided on the iPhone 6 64GB Space Gray model and gave you his first impressions. Then as the day progressed into night, Marco finished things out with his unboxing and first look of the iPhone 6, also in Space Gray.
So here we find ourselves on Saturday morning and Beau HD unboxes the all-new gold iPhone 6 and shares with us his hands-on first impressions of the device. Compared to the Space Gray and silver variants of the iPhone 6, the gold model is very flashy. It has a matte gold finish on the back with gold edges and a golden ring around the home button that radiates style and premium build quality.