Last month, Samsung detailed its launch plans for its four new Galaxy Note Pro and Galaxy Tab Pro slates, but one detail that the company wasn't quite ready to divulge at the time was the precise launch date of the Galaxy Tab Pro 12.2. That's changed today, as Samsung has revealed that its 12.2-inch Galaxy Tab Pro tablet will be available starting March 9 at retailers such as Amazon, Best Buy, Walmart, Tiger Direct, PC Richard and Sons, Fry's, Newegg and Pricing for the 32GB device will be set at $649.99.
As with many other Galaxy devices, the Galaxy Tab Pro 12.2 will come bundled with free content thanks to Samsung's Galaxy Perks program. Consumers that pick up a Galaxy Tab Pro 12.2 will be given the following batch of goodies:
Samsung launched its Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4, Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1 and Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 last month, so the arrival of the Galaxy Tab Pro 12.2 this week will complete the U.S. rollout of Samsung's new tablet quartet. If you're on the fence about picking up this plus-sized slate, you can check out our hands-on video with the Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 down below to get a feel for its size and software. Both devices are the same size and feature similar hardware, though the Tab Pro 12.2 doesn't include an S Pen stylus like it's Note sibling.
Via Samsung