After launching on AT&T late last year with Android 4.0 in tow, the Samsung Galaxy Express is now being updated to Android 4.1. AT&T announced the news today on its official blog, saying that the Galaxy Express's Jelly Bean update is rolling out starting today, March 26, and that owners of the Express will receive a notification on their device when the new software finally arrives on their device.
Included in the Galaxy Express's update are the usual features that we expect to see in an Android 4.1 update, including Google Now and expandable notifications. This particular update also packs in a new Easy Mode that AT&T says is intended for use by first-time smartphone users thanks to its large widgets that make accessing the most-used apps on a device easier. There's also a new Blocking Mode that can disable incoming calls and notifications for a set period of time, as well as a data usage calculator.
Any Samsung Galaxy Express owners that just can't wait to get their hands on all of these new features can try to manually pull the Jelly Bean update onto their device by connecting to Wi-Fi and going into Menu > Settings > About Device > Software Updates > Check for Updates. While the Galaxy Express may not have been one of the biggest, most-hyped hardware releases of 2012, it's still a smartphone that customers purchased, and so it's good to see the Express getting its own update to Android 4.1. Do any of you use the Galaxy Express as your daily driver?
Via AT&T