Hot on the heels of emergence of a leaked image showing an HTC One X+ with T-Mobile branding, the unannounced Android handset has made another appearance. As noted by GSM Arena, this time the One X+ has popped up in a catalog for U.K. carrier O2. The device is listed with specs that include a 1.7GHz quad-core processor and Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, both of which are features that've been rumored in the past, as well as an 8-megapixel camera, 64GB storage and Beats Audio. In terms of appearance, the face of this One X+ looks fairly similar to the existing One X.
While HTC has yet to officially announce the One X+, it's been suggested that the device could hit AT&T and T-Mobile here in the U.S. For AT&T, a device with the same model number thought to belong to the One X+ (PM63100) was recently spied in the FCC with AT&T-friendly 4G LTE bands, meaning that the big blue carrier could follow-up the One X with the One X+. Meanwhile, an image of a T-Mobile-branded One X+ was spotted yesterday, and the device even appeared in a leaked T-Mobile roadmap earlier this year. It's not clear if the One X+ will actually make it to that carrier's magenta shelves, though, as it's rumored that the One X+ has had trouble passing T-Mobile testing and may have been killed off. We'll just have to wait for HTC to officially spill the beans on the One X+ to find out which carriers will actually offer the thing. Hopefully this latest leak is an indicator that an introduction may not be far off.
Via GSM Arena