Microsoft took the wraps off of its new Surface for Windows RT and Surface for Windows 8 Pro tablets back in June, and while the company was happy to talk up the devices' specs and keyboard covers at the event, it wasn't quite as talkative when it came to launch and pricing information. We've since learned that the Surface for Windows RT will be released in late October, with the Windows 8 Pro model due around 90 days later, but the prices of the tablets remain a mystery. However, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer recently shed a bit of light on what kind of pricing we can expect to see the devices carry. Speaking to The Seattle Times, Ballmer explained that "if you look at the bulk of the PC market, it would run between, say, probably $300 to about $700 or $800," adding that he thinks that "that's the sweet spot."
Ever since Microsoft originally introduced its Surface tablets, the rumor mill has been trying to pin down the pricing for the new devices. So far, though, there's been no concrete evidence that shows how Microsoft plans to price Surface. While we're still without exact pricing after this Ballmer interview, those folks interested in picking up a Surface now at least have an idea of how much they might end up paying. With the arrival of the Surface for Windows RT around a month and a half out, here's to hoping that it's not too much longer before Microsoft can put an end to this mystery and finally give us official pricing information. How many of you are interested in a Surface?