On this Saturday, the 19th of May, we feature a user review for the Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket. A popular continuation of the Galaxy S II series for AT&T, this user review comes to us from PhoneDog fan Vernon Xie.
Its Alright By Vernon Xie, posted: Mar 30
I've had this phone for about 2 months now, its been treating me decently with roughly 10-12 hours of battery with moderate use, considering I live in an LTE area, and I do always use my phone. The phone itself is a little big for some people, but my hands arent exactly the smallest so the form factor is actually really good. The fact that it's so lightweight and slim allows me to walk around comfortably with this huge phone in my pocket. As far as customization goes, the phone itself is decent with the TW 4.0, i actually did root it so that I could be able to toggle my LTE radio on/off due to inconsistent LTE coverage in my area. All in All the phone is pretty good, as far as battery life goes, I might have just gotten a lemon as a phone but i'd definitely recomend it.
Display 4/5
Battery Life 3/5
Apps & Media Support 4/5
Reception & Call Quality 5/5
Design/Form Factor 5/5
Overall 4.2