Over the past month or so there have been several leaks that have suggested that the Nokia Lumia 710 is T-Mobile-bound, but for anyone that's still unsure about the 710 joining Magenta's roster, the image above should put those doubts to rest. The photo shows a white Lumia 710 complete with a T-Mobile tattoo below the device's Windows key, just like the images discovered in the AWS Lumia 710's FCC filing last Wednesday. Pocketnow claims that T-Mobile will offer a black version of the Lumia 710 as well.
Nokia and T-Mobile announced that they're holding an event on December 14th and, although there was no mention of what the two companies have in store, the string of Lumia 710-related leaks has led many to believe that the 3.7-inch Mango handset will be making its debut on Wednesday. If a T-Mobile 710 does end up being revealed at the gathering, it'll be the first Nokia-made Windows Phone to come to a U.S. carrier. I'd say that's worth holding a dance party for, wouldn't you? There's been no word yet on when the Lumia 710 might actually hit T-Mobile's shelves, but the good news is that all should be revealed in just a few short days.
Via Pocketnow