Almost two weeks after Motorola announced that the would be suing Apple, it looks like Moto is getting involved with the iPhone manufacturer once again. Moto has now entered into Apple's suit against HTC, which was announced all the way back in March, asking that the courts throw out all 20 patents that Apple is using against HTC. This is important because if Apple is successful in using these patents against HTC, they could possibly be used against several other Android manufacturers, as well.
This is the first we've heard about the Apple-HTC suit for several months, and it definitely makes the whole case much more intriguing. First Apple sued HTC, then HTC counter-sued, and now Motorola is getting into the legal battle. We can't forget that along with the Apple suit and now the HTC battle, Microsoft just sued Motorola. Hopefully Moto doesn't get into any other suits; who knows when we'd see new products from them again?
Via Engadget, Patently Apple