![Samsung Wave](/shared/images/2010/5/106255-samsungwave.jpg)
At a Developer Day event in South Africa today, Samsung tried to emulate Google by giving every attendee a free Samsung Wave to help stimulate interest in their Bada OS. Sure, it may not be an EVO 4G, but it is sure to get some people interested in developing for their platform. At the event, Samsung also revealed some details on their upcoming application store for Bada:
- The store will be moderated, excluding applications that have sexual content, drugs, violent, or hateful content
- Apps can be either free or paid
- The applications can be paid for with a credit card, and Samsung will work with carriers to add carrier billing as well
- The store will launch in South Africa and 19 other countries, hitting 80 countries in the coming months
- Samsung plans to release a lower-end Bada device similar to the Wave for under $200, then another Bada phone with a QWERTY keyboard after that
Samsung has said that they plan to 10 million Bada-powered devices in this year and 20 million by the end of 2011. Hopefully those free Samsung Waves will help get people interested in Bada, because that's a lot of phones. Would you pick up a Samsung Wave or similar Bada OS device? Tell us what you think!