YouTube Music app gaining Explore tab to help you discover new music

With all of the music that's out there and all of the new tunes being released regularly, it can be difficult to find new music to listen to. YouTube Music is rolling out a new feature to help with that.

A new Explore tab is now rolling out in the YouTube Music apps for Android and iOS. Replacing the Hotlist in the app, this new Explore tab will be featured as the second tab in YouTube Music and will serve as a single destination for you to discover new music. 

The Explore tab will include two new sections to help your discovery process. New Releases will feature the latest popular songs, albums, and music videos, plus new content that you may like based on your listening history.

Moods & Genres aims to help you find the perfect playlist or genre for any given moment. Some example moods and genres include Feel-good, Commute, Focus, Party, Romance, and Sad.

This new Explore tab is starting to roll out today in the YouTube Music apps for Android and iOS, and Google tells us that it'll be added to the YouTube Music web player soon.

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