When the Galaxy Z Flip was announced, Samsung said it was using Ultra Thin Glass to cover the display. That led some to think that the Z Flip's display could be more durable than the plastic cover on the Galaxy Fold's screen, but a new durability test is throwing the Z Flip's display durability into doubt.
A new video from Zack Nelson of JerryRigEverything shows the Galaxy Z Flip's display cover being subject to a scratch test. Plastic covers like on the Galaxy Fold and Motorola Razr scratch at a Mohs hardness level of 2 or 3, Nelson explains, while glass typically scratches at level 5 or 6.
In the video, we can see the Galaxy Z Flip's display cover show scratches at level 2 with more noticeable grooves at level 3. At level 4, Nelson says he can "physically feel the tip of the pick start to cut the display surface open."
So why would a display cover that Samsung touts as being Ultra Thin Glass scratch at a level similar to plastic display covers? Nelson speculates that Samsung could be using a hybrid plastic polymer with specs of glass mixed in.
When asked for more information on the Galaxy Z Flip's Ultra Thin Glass, Samsung would divulge what it was made of. The company told The Verge that even though the Z Flip's screen bends, that it should be treated with care. "Also, Galaxy Z Flip has a protective layer on top of the UTG similar to Galaxy Fold," Samsung added.
The company also said that as part of its Premier Service, Galaxy Z Flip buyers can get a one-time free screen protector. It will can applied at select U Break I Fix stores, Samsung branded locations, or by mailing the phone to Samsung Premier Service.
"The screen protector will be applied by a specialist with the proper equipment to align and apply it," Samsung said. "The program is rolling out soon."
Additionally, Galaxy Z Flip buyers that do damage their foldable display will be able to get a one-time replacement for $119.
While Samsung has touted the Ultra Thin Glass display cover of the Galaxy Z Flip, it still urges owners to treat the screen with care. "Avoid pressing hard on the screen or the front camera lens," a warning screen reads when you started up the Z Flip for the first time. "Tap the screen lightly to keep it safe."
The Z Flip looks to feature an improved foldable design over the Galaxy Fold. However, it looks like the display may not be quite as tough as some might have thought it'd be when we first learned that Samsung would be using Ultra Thin Glass for the Z Flip.
It's unclear if or when Samsung will divulge more info about the Galaxy Z Flip's Ultra Thin Glass and what it's made of. One thing to take away from today's news is that if you do decide to pick up a Z Flip, you'd be wise to follow Samsung's instructions to be delicate with the display.