iFixit's Galaxy Fold teardown gets pulled down at Samsung's request

The same week that a Galaxy Fold teardown gave us a look at the inner workings of Samsung's foldable phone, that teardown has been pulled down.

The Samsung Galaxy Fold teardown that was posted by iFixit has now been removed. In a post on its blog, iFixit explains that it got its Galaxy Fold from a "trusted partner" and Samsung requested through that partner that the teardown be taken down. iFixit decided to comply out of respect for that partner.

Here's a portion of iFixit's post on the situation:

"We were provided our Galaxy Fold unit by a trusted partner. Samsung has requested, through that partner, that iFixit remove its teardown. We are under no obligation to remove our analysis, legal or otherwise. But out of respect for this partner, whom we consider an ally in making devices more repairable, we are choosing to withdraw our story until we can purchase a Galaxy Fold at retail."

After the Galaxy Fold made headlines last week when several review units broke, Samsung probably wasn't happy about a teardown that gave everyone an in-depth look at the Fold and the places that some dirt or debris could damage it. That's especially true considering that Samsung has said that it's running tests on the broken Folds and that it plans to strengthen the display protection. While we wait for Samsung to make those improvements and announce the Galaxy Fold's new launch date, you can view an archived version of iFixit's teardown.

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