Following the launch of the first Android Q beta, more new features and details have been discovered beyond the ones Google announced yesterday. That includes some theming options.
Buried at the bottom of the Developer options section of Settings is a Theming section that'll let you tweak Android Q's accent color, headline/body font, and icon shape. Discovered by Android Police, you can change the accent color from the device default to black, green, and purple. You've got two options for headline/body font, either the device default or Noto Serif/Source Sans Pro, and for icon shape you can select the device default, a teardrop, a squircle, or a rounded rectangle.
You'll have to do a bit of digging to find this feature on your Android Q-powered Pixel. First you'll need to enable the Developer options by tapping the build number in Settings > About Phone several times, and then you'll need to go to Settings > System > Advanced > Developer options and scroll to the bottom of the list.
Theming is nothing new to Android. In fact, it's one of the major draws of the operating system. Still, it's nice to have some options like these built into Android Q, even if you do have to do a bit of work to get to 'em. Now we have to wait and see if they make it through to the final Q release and if Google ends up adding more customization options.