How many Moto Mods do you own?

It might be safe to say that in 2018, and at least for the foreseeable future, modular smartphones aren't making a comeback. We saw several different companies give it a go a few years ago, with LG and Motorola giving it the most attention. But even Google thought it would be the next big thing for a little while there. Now our smartphones are all about notch designs and minimized bezels.

I should probably be asking if you'd prefer a modular phone over the notch design. Maybe next time.

While Google and LG have all but given up on the concept, there is still one company that refuses to let go: Motorola. The company has its Moto Mods system, and if you don't own a supported Moto smartphone you might be a surprised to know that they keep launching new accessories. In fact, earlier this week they launched a new external speaker -- which means there are four external speaker options!

Honestly, I'm actually impressed that Motorola hasn't abandoned the idea. I can still recall LG going to town about how they were all-in with their own modular plans, and that future smartphones, and accessories, would all work together. And then the LG G5 didn't really do that well in the market, LG decided maybe it wouldn't stick to the modular plan after all, and the G6 happened.

But here we are and Motorola is still kicking along, launching new Moto Mods accessories on a semi-regular basis. Some of them are probably too expensive, but some are pretty cool ideas, too -- including one of the external smart speaker options, which includes Amazon Alexa integration. If you like Amazon and love Alexa, it looks like a noteworthy option.

So that has to count for something. Probably a lot, for fans of the Moto Mods systems who have stuck with it up to this point. Especially those who have invested money into the accessories and use them on a regular basis.

That aforementioned new stereo speaker option that Motorola announced this week got me wondering just how many of you out there might have invested in Moto Mods. Have you been on board with the idea right out of the gate, or were you a late adopter? Which Moto smartphone are you using, and which Moto Mod is your favorite so far?

And what I really want to know is how many different Moto Mods you've picked up so far. Are you all-in with the idea? Let me know!

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