Voice controls are big in mobile right now, with services like Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa all helping you get things done using only your voice. Today Starbucks is getting in on the trend.
Starbucks is now rolling out voice ordering in the Starbucks app for iOS and. The feature, which is currently available to select customers, is called My Starbucks Barista and lets you place your Starbucks order using only your voice.
Using a messaging interface, you tell My Starbucks Barista your order, and it’ll then display it back to you to ensure that it got everything right. You can also type out your order if you’d like. Your order can be as complicated as you want, as Starbucks showed a demo of a customer ordering a “double upside down macchiato half decals with room and a splash of cream in a grande cup” and the app understanding the order correctly.
My Starbucks Barista is now available to one thousand customers as part of a beta test, and it’ll continue a phased rollout through summer 2017. An Android version will come later in this year.
Meanwhile, Starbucks is adding the Starbucks Reorder Skill to the Amazon Alexa platform. You can use this skill to set your “usual” Starbucks order and then say “Alexa, order my Starbucks” to get your regular order from your store.
Android users aren’t being totally left out in the cold today, as an update to the Starbucks for Android app is now rolling out. It brings with it a new Favorites feature that’ll let you save custom food and drink orders so that you can quickly order them again later. This feature should come in especially handy for folks with very specific orders, saving them the trouble of having to check all of their boxes when ordering a drink.