UPDATE: The official Nintendo of America account has confirmed in English that Super Mario Run will indeed hit Android in March.
ORIGINAL: Ever since Super Mario Run launched on iOS back in December 2016, Android users have been wondering when they’d get the chance to take Mario out for a run. Now we’ve got the answer to that mystery.
Nintendo today revealed that Super Mario Run will launch on Android in March. Nintendo’s official Japanese Twitter account shared the news today, and even though we don’t speak Japanese, the fact that “Android”, “Super Mario Run”, and “2017 3” are all included in the first sentence gets Nintendo’s point across.
Android版「Super Mario Run」は、2017年3月に配信を開始します。現在Google Playでは、配信開始を通知でお知らせする事前登録の受付を行っています。ぜひご登録ください。https://t.co/2DW2TnCK6d pic.twitter.com/2QbMM6fGRh
— 任天堂株式会社 (@Nintendo) January 18, 2017
If you’re curious what the full tweet says, here’s what Google Translate gave us: “The Android version "Super Mario Run" will be delivered in March 2017. Currently, Google Play accepts pre-registration to inform you of delivery start by notice. please register.”
While it’s disappointing that Super Mario Run is taking several months to make the jump from iOS to Android, it’s nice to finally have some launch info for the Android version of Mario’s mobile gaming debut. And hey, at least the later launch on Android means that Nintendo will have hopefully ironed out some bugs and there will be strategies available for gamers that need some help.
Will you try Super Mario Run on Android?