AT&T today announced a new feature to help its customers stretch their data farther.
Stream Saver will stream high definition video at standard definition quality (around 480p) so that you use less data. The feature will launch in early 2017, and it’ll be available to customers on AT&T’s “most popular plans”, including prepaid GoPhone plans.
AT&T says that when Stream Saver launches, it’ll send out messages letting customers know that it’s on, so it sounds like Stream Saver will automatically be enabled for all eligible customers. You can disable Stream Saver at any time using myAT&T or Premier for business customers.
While AT&T touts Stream Saver as a way for its customers to use less data, the feature also helps to reduce load on AT&T’s network, which is one reason why it would be enabled by default for customers. The good news is that the Stream Saver feature, which is like T-Mobile’s Binge On but without the zero-rated services that don’t count against your data usage, can be easily disabled if you’d prefer to watch HD video on your device.