We’re now about two months out from the original Galaxy Note 7 recall, and Samsung is still working on getting all of its Note 7s back. The company is also hoping to improve its image following the recall, and so it’s publishing an apology letter to the public.
Samsung is running a full-page apology ad in several major US newspapers, including the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and Washington Post. The letter explains that Samsung is working to ensure that all Note 7s are returned and that an it’s investigating the cause of the problem, with the promise that the results will be shared when the investigation is complete.
“Most importantly, safety remains our top priority,” Samsung’s letter reads. “We will listen to you, learn from this and act in a way that allows us to earn back your trust.”
Full-page apology ads are the future of print media: pic.twitter.com/fBAZ9uXFmD
— Rurik Bradbury (@RurikBradbury) November 7, 2016
While the Galaxy Note 7 mess is winding down and we’re beginning to focus on the Galaxy S8, the Note 7s that caught fire are still lingering in the minds of many consumers. Samsung is a major smartphone maker and should be ok, but the company knows that this Note 7 situation is going to stick with it, and so it’s continuing to work to apologize to consumers and earn back their trust.