Earlier this month, Periscope announced that it would begin automatically saving broadcasts for more than 24 hours with an upcoming update. That update is now rolling out.
Periscope says that an app update is now rolling out that will automatically save your broadcasts beyond 24 hours, which is how long broadcasts used to last before being deleted. This feature has actually been in beta for a couple of weeks now, but you’ve had to add “#save” to your broadcast to enable it. With this update, you no longer need to use that hashtag.
Periscope has said that if you’d rather not have your broadcasts saved, you can either manually delete them or change your app’s settings so that they’re deleted after 24 hours.
It's here! Update your Periscope app to permanently save your broadcasts by default (no #save needed). pic.twitter.com/Tv8O48jImQ
— Periscope (@periscopeco) May 25, 2016
Also included in today’s Periscope update is the ability to search for places on the in-app Map to help you find interesting broadcasts around the world. This update is currently rolling out on iOS and will be available soon on Android.
The Periscope apps for Android and iOS can be found at the links below.