Back in February, Microsoft launched its experimental Hub Keyboard on Android, offering a third-party keyboard that let you perform lots of tasks without jumping between apps. Now that app has arrived on iOS.
Hub Keyboard can now be downloaded from the App Store. When it’s activated, Hub Keyboard can help you to easily paste copied text into your message, share URLs of Office 365 documents that you’ve got stored in OneDrive and SharePoint, and share the info of a contact stored on your phone or Office 365 account. However, the iOS version of Hub Keyboard appears to be missing the translation feature found in the Android version of the app, which lets you type words and have them translated into another language.
Typing with Hub Keyboard on iOS seems to work just fine, and if you’re an Office 365 user, Microsoft’s keyboard could be worth a look since it gives you quick access to your documents for easy sharing. Non-Office 365 users likely won’t get as much use out of the app, though. If you do have an Office 365 account and an iOS device, you can grab Hub Keyboard right here. The app is currently only available in English in the US, but Microsoft plans on adding more languages and countries.
One other thing that’s worth noting is that this is not the same keyboard as the Word Flow keyboard that’s rumored to be coming to iOS. A leak from back in January showed that Microsoft is planning to bring its Word Flow keyboard from its Windows phones onto iOS, but it’s unclear when that keyboard will launch.