If you’re having an issue with your shiny new iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus not updating its battery percentage, you’re not alone.
Apple has posted a support document acknowledging that some users are having problems with their iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus not updating the battery percentage in the status bar. The company says that it’s aware of the problem and is working to find the cause and solution, but suggests that it could be the result of the user manually changing the time or by time zones changing while traveling.
Many iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus users have chimed in on Apple’s support forums to say that they’re having issues with their battery percentage not updating unless they perform a reboot. Some admit they have have manually changed their device’s time for a game, like so that they could get more moves in Candy Crush.
Having a battery percentage indicator that doesn’t update can be a real issue because if you don’t notice it, your phone could unexpectedly die. The problem being related to manually changing the time zone sounds kind of strange, but at least it sounds like Apple has an idea of what’s causing the problem. While it works on a fix, which will likely be included in a future software update, the company says that folks experiencing this problem should restart their phone and go to Settings > General > Date & Time and make sure that the Set Automatically setting is turned on.