OnePlus releases Reflexion photo app for Android and iOS

OnePlus is primarily known as a hardware company, but today it released a photography app for both Android and iOS.

Reflexion is an app that lets you capture and share images split with an X center point. When you fire up the app, you first capture a photo with your phone’s front-facing camera, and it’s used on the left and right sides of the X. Then you use your phone’s back camera to snap a photo for the top and bottom of the X. Once you’ve done that, you can move around the images and reposition the center of the X.

Once you’ve got everything set up like you’d like, you can share the photo using SMS, email, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and more.

The app is pretty simple to use, launching straight into the camera and offering a sparse user interface. The goal of the app is to create interesting-looking reflections, so it’s probably not one you’re going to use all the time, but you could give it a try if you’re feeling particularly artsy.

You can grab Reflexion for Android and iOS at the links below.

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