Apple Music not yet included with T-Mobile Music Freedom

Today Apple launched Apple Music, its new music streaming service. However, if you’re a T-Mobile subscriber, you may want to hold off on making Apple Music your sole music streaming source.

PhoneDog reader Wayne asked T-Mobile if the carrier’s Music Freedom program supports Apple Music, and T-Mo responded by saying that it hasn’t announced anything today. T-Mo went on to thank Wayne for his vote and point him toward a support page that lists all of the services that are supported on Music Freedom.

It seems kind of strange that Apple Music isn’t a part of Music Freedom right out of the gate, but Beats Music — the service that Apple bought and made into Apple Music — was never part of Music Freedom either. Now that Apple Music is available to the public, though, I’d imagine that T-Mobile will eventually add it to Music Freedom just like it has other major streaming services. It’s just a question of when that’ll happen.

Thanks, Wayne!

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