With iOS gaining features like custom wallpaper support, multitasking, and Control Center over the years, the desire for many iOS users to jailbreak has fallen. There are still some folks out there that want to do it, though, and now they can do so with the latest public version of iOS.
The TaiG Jailbreak Team today released a jailbreak tool for iOS 8.3. This jailbreak is of the untethered variety, which means that you can turn your iOS device off and on again without the assistance of a computer.
This new TaiG jailbreak tool is currently only available for Windows, and there are a few tidbits worth noting before you perform the jailbreak. TaiG notes that Cydia Substrate (Mobile Substrate) isn’t yet compatible with iOS 8.3, and the team also cautions that you should backup your data, turn off your passcode and disable Find My iPhone before running the jailbreak tool.
Between the new features added to iOS in recent years and the need to hold off on iOS updates because they might break your jailbreak, it seems as though many iOS users have given up on jailbreaking. If you’re interested in the customizations and other offerings available with jailbreaking, though, you can now access all of that while being on the latest public iOS release.
Have you ever jailbroken an iOS device? If so, when was the last time that you did?