Timehop is a popular service that’ll fulfill your love for nostalgia by pulling up old social media posts and letting you relive events from years past. Facebook is one of the networks that Timehop works on, but now Facebook has its own version of the service.
On This Day is a new Facebook feature that’ll bring up items you’ve shared and posts you’ve been tagged in from the same date, but in the past. Facebook will only show this content to you, but you do have the option of sharing it with others. You can also edit or delete old posts. On This Day might randomly pop up in your News Feed, or you can access it by clicking on the On This Day bookmark or by heading to facebook.com/onthisday. Once the feature does appear for you, you can enable notifications so that you can be alerted when new On This Day posts are available.
Timehop is a hit with a lot of people because it helps them relive events from their past, both big and small, without much of any effort on their end. I’m kind of surprised that it took Facebook this long to come up with a similar feature of its own, but now it’s finally gone ahead and done just that. What will be interesting is seeing if Timehop shares start decreasing or if people just continue to use it since they’ve already had it for a while.
Do you use Timehop?