iOS 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 in active testing, analytics show

Much of the iOS focus as of late has been on Apple’s botched iOS 8.0.1 update and the following iOS 8.0.2 update that fixed those issues. Now that we’re past that, though, it’s time to look forward to future iOS 8 revisions.

A report from 9to5Mac shows that Apple is currently putting iOS 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 updates through testing. Analytics from a “major hardware-connected iOS application” developer as well as the site itself show that devices running iOS 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 are accessing sites and apps from in and around Apple’s base in Cupertino, California. iOS 8.1 began appearing months ago, while 8.2 and 8.3 started popping up earlier this month.

It’s no surprise that Apple is working on major updates to iOS. Heck, the Cupertino firm is probably hard at work on iOS 9. What’s interested in that it’s testing iOS 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 all at once. We typically only see one or two x.1 updates throughout an iOS versions lifespan, but not only is Apple currently working on three major updates, it’s testing them all concurrently. 

What’s unclear is exactly what these updates contain — support for Apple Pay and Apple Watch are likely in there somewhere — and when they’ll roll out. It’s suggested that Apple could break its yearly tradition of releasing a major new iOS version with its new iPhones in the fall, or it could just be prepping x.1 updates for Apple Pay, Apple Watch and that rumored "iPad Pro." For now we’ll just have to wait for more evidence to come out. At least you iOS users can get excited knowing that Apple’s prepping quite a few big updates for you!

Via 9to5Mac

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