Earlier this year, a Bright Red version of the Nexus 5 hit the Play Store’s virtual shelves, joining the white and black models that’ve been available since late 2013. Now a Google web page has hinted that the Nexus 5 may soon gain another set of new duds.
Google’s official “Android Phones & Tablets” page includes a section that highlights the Nexus 5 and some of its specs. Interestingly, the end of the description says that the Nexus 5 is available in “black, white, red, and yellow.”
Google hasn’t made any announcements regarding a yellow Nexus 5, so the mention of that color on its official Android web page suggests that such a device may be in the works. Google has a history of adding new colors to its Nexus offerings after their original launch, adding white versions of previous devices and the red model of the Nexus 5.
While this yellow Nexus 5 is still unofficial, it wouldn’t be a surprise to see Google introduce another Nexus 5 hue. Such a move could reinvigorate interest in the device as the Android L Developer Preview is set to kick off.
Would you buy a yellow Nexus 5?
Via Droid-Life, Google