During its time as HTC's flagship smartphone, the One (M7) was released in a number of different colors. The device is available in silver, black, red, blue and gold, and there's even one version that's available with real gold plating, though only five of that unit were produced and none of them are for sale. Regardless, it's clear that HTC likes to give its customers options when they buy its hardware. That's why it should come as no surprise that a new rumor has suggested that HTC's got a couple of new One (M8) hues in the works.
According to Google ads spotted by HTCSource, HTC is prepping Stealth Black and Stealth Red versions of the One (M8). Unfortunately, the ads don't offer up any details about when or where these new colors might be released.
The HTC One (M8) is currently available in Glacial Silver, Gunmetal Gray and Amber Gold. That's not exactly the most varied or colorful roster of hues that we've ever seen, so it's exciting to hear that a red version of the M8 may be on the way. And while a black version wouldn't really help to make the lineup of One (M8) colors brighter, black is a popular color for smartphones, and I'm sure that there are quite a few folks that'd snatch one up in a heartbeat.
If you could get an HTC One (M8) in any color, which would you choose?
Via HTCSource