The LG-made Nexus 5 has starred in quite a few leaks at this point, both of the photo and video variety. One way that the unannounced handset hasn't been shown off, though, is official press renders. That's changing today, as the folks at Mobile Syrup have gotten their hands on some press images of a device that looks just like the Nexus 5s that we've seen in previous images. Present are the rounded top and bottom, front-facing camera on the left, circular earpiece above the display and the power/lock button and volume rocker on either side of the device.
Looking at what's on the screen of these devices, we can see one with the logo for Canadian carrier Telus. The more interesting of the two features an actual Android home screen, complete with several Android 4.4 KitKat elements that've leaked out previously. The status bar icons have turned white and both the status bar and navigation button bar are transparent, and there's also a new launcher icon along with new Phone and Camera icons. Interestingly, this unit features Hangouts in its dock, seemingly adding support to the rumors that the app will gain support for SMS and MMS messaging.
Since this is just the latest in a long line of Nexus 5 leaks, these new images don't reveal much in the way of new information on LG and Google's upcoming device. Still, it's nice to get a peek at the phone in some clear renders rather than another pair of blurrycam shots. Now if only we knew when the Nexus 5 was actually going to make the jump from rumor to reality. Here's to hoping that, with the one-year anniversary of the Nexus 4's debut fast approaching, the Nexus 5's formal introduction isn't too far off.
Via Mobile Syrup