The Samsung Galaxy S 4 has been around for three weeks now and has found a comfortable spot on the Official Smartphone Rankings in second position.
"GS4 Review " By FABIAN TOTI on May 15, 2013
I have had the GS4 for about 2 weeks now. I upgraded from a gs3 ATT to the new gs4. In my opinion the battery on the new gs4 lasts much longer than the gs3. I have used windows phone, IOS, and Blackberry. The new Samsung device really hold its ranking for the top android phone. The only down size is that instead of the 16GB you get about 9.8GB. That is a cheap choice that Samsung had made on their devices. But with the SD card slot it can be fixed. The screen is just amazing and the camera quality is as well. I hope that in the future when Samsung makes its new GS5 it makes it with 64GB of interior space and with a longer lasting battery. You can sacrifice the thickness of the phone if the phone can stay longer in charge. Thank you.
Display 5/5
Battery Life 5/5
Apps & Media Support 5/5
Reception & Call Quality 4/5
Design/Form Factor 3/5
Overall 4.4