Samsung caught a bit of flak earlier this month after it was discovered that the 16GB version of its Galaxy S 4 only comes with 8GB or so of user-accessible storage, which Samsung said was a result of the device's high-res display and software features. The company went on to say that users can always add more memory with a microSD card, and that appeared to be the end of it. Now it appears that Samsung may have had a slight change of heart, though, and may end up rolling out an update to increase the space available to users on the GS4.
In a statement sent to CNET U.K., Samsung has revealed that it's "reviewing the possibility" of increasing the amount of user-accessible storage on the Galaxy S 4 through "additional software optimisation." The company hasn't offered up any other information on its plans, but it does promise that it will "improve [its] communications" with users.
While the microSD card slot on the Galaxy S 4 is certainly a welcome inclusion, the internal space on the device can still become an issue since users aren't able to store apps on the GS4's memory card. Also problematic is the fact that while Samsung has officially announced 16GB, 32GB and 64GB models of the Galaxy S 4, the 16GB model is the only one that's widely available right now, with AT&T being the only U.S. operator that currently offers the 32GB variant.
It's not clear exactly how much storage owners of the 16GB Galaxy S 4 might reclaim through Samsung's optimizations, if it ends up going through with them at all. However, considering all of the circumstances surrounding the matter, I'm sure that owners of the 16GB GS4 will be glad to get any additional space that they can. How much storage do you 16GB Galaxy S 4 users currently have left on your devices?