Just a day after two different leaked documents pointed toward an April 24 launch for the HTC One on T-Mobile, an official T-Mobile Twitter support account appears to have confirmed the date for us. In response to a complaint about T-Mobile's lack of information on the HTC One's release, the @TMobileHelp account sent out a tweet saying that "T-Mobile announced it will be launching the HTC One (LTE) April 24!" Since there's been no formal T-Mobile press release announcing the news, this is the closest thing to an official announcement that we've gotten so far.
The HTC One will feature support for T-Mobile's 4G LTE network, which is currently live in seven different U.S. cities. Our friends at TmoNews have confirmed that Wi-Fi calling will also be onboard, which is good news for T-Mobile customers that rely on the feature for voice communication in areas with less than ideal service. As far as pricing goes, T-Mobile has previously said that the One will be available with a down payment of $99 and 24 monthly payments of $20 each.
Now that we've got all of T-Mobile's HTC One launch details, Magenta customers can begin counting down the days until they're able to plunk down the cash for their very own slab of HTC-branded aluminum. To help pass the time until April 24 rolls around, you can check out Aaron's hands-on with the T-Mo-flavored HTC One below.
Via @TMobileHelp, TmoNews