As our top three smartphones remained the same for the past two weeks, they are even currently trending in the same positions. Will any of the top three smartphones make a move on the Official Smartphone Rankings soon? Cast your vote for your favorite now!
"Fast and easy to use." By PAT EVANS on April 3, 2013
3 weeks in and it hasn't had a reboot. Very fast and will run 5 apps at the same time. All the software I need is available and you can sideload Android apps. Phone and data reception are better than any other phones I have used. The battery life is getting better. Now only needs charging after 18 hours normal use. Brilliant phone and OS.
Display 5/5
Battery Life 3/5
Apps & Media Support 5/5
Reception & Call Quality 5/5
Design/Form Factor 5/5
Overall 4.6