One of the many announcements made by T-Mobile yesterday was related to its new Simple Choice Plan, which is part of the carrier's big move away from the traditional subsidy model that U.S. wireless customers are used to. The new plan isn't the only major change that T-Mobile's got cooking, though, as the company revealed to CNET that it's considering implementing an "anytime upgrade" club as well.
While the idea of an anytime upgrade plan is still one that's in the early stages at T-Mobile, CEO John Legere did explain that such a club would allow for two device upgrades per year. In order to join the club, customers would be expected to pay a fee that was described as "very small," though it's not clear if such a charge would be paid on a monthly or yearly basis. Such a plan would also include phone insurance.
As I noted before, this is just one idea that's being kicked around by T-Mobile, and there's no guarantee that this anytime upgrade club will ever actually be implemented. It's definitely an interesting idea, though, and is an example of how Legere says T-Mobile plans to "innovate in this space." Currently most wireless subscribers upgrade their phone once every two years or so in order to get subsidized pricing on a new model. An anytime upgrade club would allow anyone that feels that they absolutely need the latest and greatest hardware to get it through this plan instead of forking over the full retail price of a unit like some folks do now.
Obviously there are still some details about this anytime upgrade club that would need to be ironed out before it would be put into action, including the exact amount of the admittance fee, but I'm guessing that there are many wireless customers out there that'd be interested in learning more. Would you sign up for an anytime upgrade club with your carrier?