When AT&T first announced the availability details for the Nokia Lumia 920 last year, the big blue carrier also revealed that it would be offering a free wireless charging plate with the purchase of Nokia's new Windows Phone 8 handset. The promotion was originally slated to end early in January, but as WPCentral has discovered, AT&T has opted to extend the offer. The Nokia Lumia 920 product page on AT&T's website shows that the free charging plate promo will now run through Feb. 21. In order to receive the free charging plate, Lumia 920 buyers must sign up for a two-year contract and qualifying voice/data plans.
Nokia's wireless charging plate is currently priced at $49 on AT&T's website, so this is a pretty good offer for anyone thinking about picking up a Lumia 920. Wireless charging is one of the 920's more notable features, but the plate may be something that some 920 buyers are unwilling to pony up $49 for, so this promotion serves as a nice way to give everyone the opportunity to try wireless charging and possibly get them hooked on the feature. What do you all think of wireless charging? Has it become a must-have feature or do you see it as something that's nice to have but not totally necessary?