The PhoneDog took a good nap and is back on track with this week's Featured User Review segment. It's Friday, the last day of November and the Apple iPhone 5 landed in the number five spot to be featured today. Enjoy the brand new review left this morning by PhoneDog fan Jason below.
"Apple's best yet!" By JASON STEPHEN-SZIKSZAY CHIOINO on November 30, 2012
This was a hard choice to make, there are sooo many amazing smartphones out there with multiple mobile OS's now. There's The Galaxy Note II with an older Android, the Nokia Lumia 920 with Windows Phone 8, there's the Galaxy Nexus 4 with Jelly Bean 4.2, etc etc etc. However, in my opinion, even though iOS hasn't really changed a whole heck of a lot visually since 2007 and the handset has only grown .5 inches, I still prefer quality and simplicity over cheap plastic with a difficult OS. Even as pretty as the new Nokia smartphones are or even the Droid DNA with that crazy ppi #, I still give the crown over to iPhone 5. Its compatibility with other iOS and Mac OSX devices is phenomenal, they work perfectly together and you never have to worry about Apple's icloud services, because not only are they the best, in my opinion, but they also have the best support out of any company out there. Apple is still the King of smartphones and I don't think they're leaving that seat any time soon, at least not until Microsoft can get their tablets, smartphones, and other services out there to people. Once Microsoft does that and has a great way to sync and share their content, then maybe we'll see some real competition against Apple, but it definitely hasn't happened yet. And as for Google and Android, I highly doubt they'll be able to take out either Microsoft or Apple. The reason being is because Microsoft and Apple have built huge empires not only on their smartphones, but on other things as well that deal with smrtphones greatly, like computer operating systems, Microsoft's X-Box, Apple's own desktops and laptops, etc. They have many services/products to keep them afloat and ahead in the mobile industry. And so does Android, just not to the extent that Microsoft and Apple do. I would rank the top 3 as iPhone 5, Nokia Lumia 920, Note II.
Display 5/5
Battery Life 4/5
Apps & Media Support 5/5
Reception & Call Quality 5/5
Design/Form Factor 3/5
Overall 4.4