Dish Network has been seeking permission from the Federal Communications Commission to build its own wireless network, and now the company has gotten one step closer to getting that thumbs up. The Washington Post notes that FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski has proposed that the agency allow Dish to go ahead with its network buildout, with a vote expected to occur before the end of 2012. However, the FCC also wants Dish to use lower power levels with its network to avoid causing interference with nearby airwaves. Dish isn't happy with that requirement, with Dish Chairman Charlie Ergen saying that it "cripples" Dish's ability to enter the wireless market.
Dish holds some satellite spectrum that it'd like to use to build a wireless network here in the U.S., but the company must first gain the A-OK from the FCC to kick its plans off. Ergen complained that the FCC is delaying Dish's plans by holding off on making a decision, saying that the company could've had a network built by 2013 if the FCC had given its approval earlier. He went on to say that it could now be 2015 before that happens since Dish needs to find partners for its network plans. A recent rumor claimed that Google and Dish may partner up on a network. Now Dish has to wait for the FCC's vote to see if it has better luck than Lightsquared and actually gets to move forward with its network plans.