Sprint MVNO Ting has been pretty good about keeping its users up to date on which devices it's got in the pipeline, and today the operator shared the latest tidbits of info on its upcoming hardware. The biggest (literally) new smartphone that Ting will launch soon is the Samsung Galaxy Note II, which is expected to hit sometime in the next couple of weeks. Ting notes that it plans to order a small quantity of the Note II initially to see how it does after Ting customers gave a lukewarm response to a question on whether or not they'd be interested in the phone tablet hybrid. No exact price was mentioned.
Another notable handset that'll soon find itself on Ting's shelves is the LG Optimus G. The Optimus G is expected to be available for pre-order from Ting soon and start shipping out before November is up, but like the Note II, there's no concrete pricing information available just yet. Ting also says that it plans to offer the QWERTY-packin' LG Mach in two to three weeks for under $350. A pair of Windows Phone 8 devices are expected to launch on Ting by Q2 2013, but the carrier isn't quite ready to say exactly which products they are. One device that Ting won't be getting is the Galaxy Nexus, which the operator explains by saying that Google and its partners neglected to make the phone MVNO-friendly.
While the lack of a Nexus is a bummer for those that like a stock Android experience, the Galaxy Note II and Optimus G ought to make for two fine options for any Ting customers in the hunt for a new smartphone any time soon. It's also good to hear that Windows Phone 8 devices will soon be hitting Ting's roster, though it's not yet clear exactly which phones they are or precisely when they'll be launching, so Ting customers pining for Microsoft's mobile OS may have a bit of a wait ahead of them. Are any of you currently using Ting? If so, which device calls your pocket home?
Via Ting blog