Pantech Burst Ice Cream Sandwich update to be made available on September 27

AT&T revealed way back in March 2012 that the Pantech Burst would be one of several devices that'd be bumped up to Ice Cream Sandwich, and it looks like that update is finally almost upon us. The official Pantech Twitter account, @PantechUSA, just announced that the Burst's Android 4.0 update will be made available for download from Pantech's website on September 27. No other details of the update were mentioned.

While it sounds like Burst owners may have to download Ice Cream Sandwich from Pantech's website rather than going the over the air route, I'm sure that many users would agree that the bump from Gingerbread to ICS will be worth the effort. Now that we know that the Burst's Android 4.0 update will be arriving on September 27, all of you Burst owners can now circle your calendars and prepare for Ice Cream Sandwich's arrival. Once we get more information on the update, like a changelog, we'll give you a heads up.

Via @PantechUSA

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