An update recently began rolling out to the international version of the Samsung Galaxy S III that, similar to updates for the AT&T and Sprint models, disabled the handset's universal search feature. Some good news has come out today for owners of the international model, though, as Samsung has revealed that the removal of the device's universal search functionality was "inadvertent." A Samsung spokesperson issued a statement to TechRadar explaining that an update to bring back the feature will be pushed out soon. The full statement is as follows:
"The most recent software upgrade for the Galaxy S III in the UK included the inadvertent removal of the universal search function. Samsung will provide the correct software upgrade within the next few days."
Samsung has said that removing the universal search feature from the Galaxy S III is a "precautionary measure," one that is likely in response to Samsung's legal battle with Apple in which the Galaxy Nexus got hit with a preliminary injunction (that's now temporarily stayed). Since we've yet to see any similar decision internationally, though, some owners of the global Galaxy S III were surprised to see this new update disable that functionality. Thankfully, those users that applied this update will soon be able to search for items both online and locally once again. How many of you opted for the international version of the Galaxy S III over one of the U.S carrier-branded models?
Via TechRadar