One month after the Sony Ericsson Sony ST25i Kumquat was first caught posing in front of some greenery, the 3.5-inch handset has made its way back in front of the camera. The set of shots surfaced over on ePrice and show the ST25i, which may be coming to market as the "Xperia U," hanging out in the wild and posing with its bigger 4.3-inch Xperia S brother. One of the first things that you notice about the ST25i Xperia U is that it features a look that's fairly similar to the Xperia S, including the transparent strip at the bottom of the handset.
As far as specs for the ST25i Xperia U go, the device is rumored to feature the aforementioned 3.5-inch display at a resolution of 854x480, 1GHz dual-core processor and a 5-megapixel camera around back. Android 2.3 Gingerbread is also said to be on board, but considering that an update Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich is in the cards for the Xperia S, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Xperia U get a similar treatment.
Overall the Xperia U looks like its shaping up to be a respectable little handset that could offer an Xperia S-like experience in a smaller (and presumably slightly more wallet-friendly) package. With Mobile World Congress right around the corner, it may not be long before Sony officially takes the wraps off of the Xperia U and gives us the full rundown on the device, so stay tuned. Until then, there are a few more photos of the Xperia U at the ePrice link below.
Via Xperia Blog, ePrice