Last year Virgin Mobile announced that it planned to begin throttling the data speeds of customers that exceeded 2.5GB of usage in a month, but eventually those throttling plans were pushed to 2012. The time of data speed reduction is finally nigh, though, as Virgin has revealed that it'll begin throttling users on March 23rd. The same 2.5GB threshold will apply, and any subscribers that consume more than that in one month's time will see their data speeds drop to 256Kbps or less for the remainder of that billing cycle. Virgin says that it'll send an alert to customers when they reach the 2.5GB limit to let them know that their speeds will begin to be slowed. Anyone that absolutely, positively can't live with throttled data will have the option of restarting their plan rather than waiting for a new month to roll around.
Even though we knew that this change would be coming at some point, it's still a bit of a bummer for the Virgin Mobile crowd. The good news is that there's still two whole months before Virgin begins throttling users' speeds, which should give you plenty of time to enjoy consuming data without having to worry about being throttled. And hey, maybe you can practice some data conservation techniques too. What do all of you Virgin Mobile customers make of this news? Think you'll hit the 2.5GB mark once Virgin begins throttling in March?