Motorola DROID Xyboard pricing revealed by leaked Verizon MAP list

We're still waiting on Motorola and Verizon to make the new Xoom 2 DROID Xyboard tablets officially official, but in the mean time the leaks for both devices just keep on coming. The latest bits of information comes to us in the form of a leaked Verizon minimum advertised price (MAP) list, which shows that the 8-inch "Motorola Tablet" will be priced at $429.99 on contract for the 16GB model and $529.99 for the 32GB variant. Meanwhile, the 10-inch "Motorola Tablet" will be available in 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB flavors for $529.99, $629.99, and $729.99, respectively. The MAP pricing for all of the models is set to begin on December 8th, meaning that we'll likely be seeing them in stores sometime in mid-December and not later this month like had previously been rumored. Also worth noting is that the original Xoom with LTE will retain its promo pricing of $199.99 on contract beyond this weekend.

Keeping up with the Verizon news, an image leaked to Droid-Life shows that Verizon at one point expected to launch the Galaxy Nexus on November 28th, but that that's no longer the case. A report from Business Insider claims that Samsung has confirmed that the GalNex will be available from Verizon sometime in December, but no other details were given. At this point, though, it's not much of a shock to hear that the Verizon GalNex will be coming in December. Not only has Big Red not announced any official launch details, but with the holiday and weekend coming up, November is basically over anyway. The latest rumors have pegged the Galaxy Nexus with a December 8th launch.

So there you go, Verizon folk. The leaked pricing for the new DROID Xyboards isn't surprising considering that LTE Galaxy Tab 10.1 pricing was set at $529.99 and $629.99 for the 16GB and 32GB models when they launched back in July, but hey, at least now you know how many relatives you'll need to hit up for early holiday cash while you're munching on turkey this weekend. More details on the Xyboards and the Nexus as we get them!

Via Droid-Life, Business Insider

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