HTC Mecha S is a smaller version of the ThunderBolt?

Like the HTC ThunderBolt, but think a 4.3-inch screen is just too much phone? HTC may have just the device for you. The folks at Pocketnow recently stumbled upon a user agent profile, aka UAprof, of a CDMA device called the Mecha S, which they believe could be a miniaturized version of the TBolt, a device that was known by the codename "Mecha" before its launch. Generally the addition of an "S" at the end of an HTC product name indicates that it was destined for Europe, but Pocketnow thinks that in this case it could stand for "Small." Why's that? The Mecha S's UAprof shows that its screen resolution is 320x480, indicating that a smallish display is likely present.

The HTC ThunderBolt has reportedly been a pretty popular device, but it's large size could be a turn-off for some customers. A smaller, and probably cheaper, version could do well with people that don't want a giganto-phone, especially considering how many 4 and 4.3-inch Android phones that Verizon's been launching lately. What do you all think of the possibility of a mini ThunderBolt? Does it make sense for HTC and Verizon to launch such a device?

Via VZBuzz, Pocketnow

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