T-Mobile pulls the G2x from its online store due to persistent quality issues? [UPDATED]

Are you a T-Mobile G2x owner that's encountered issues with your device like random reboots or light leakage? You're not alone. In fact, according to sources speaking with our friends at TmoNews, T-Mobile has yanked the G2x from its online store due to persistent reports of customers having issues with the device. Navigating directly to the G2x's page on T-Mo's website shows that the device is "Out of stock" and, as TmoNews points out, the G2x was originally slated to be a part of a T-Mobile midnight sale tonight but was swapped out in favor of the Sidekick 4G at the last minute.

There have certainly been a number of reports of G2x issues ever since the device's launch late last month. Our own Aaron Baker saw a couple of random reboots during his testing period with the G2x, and several others have encountered reboots or light bleeding out with their own handsets. T-Mobile hasn't officially commented on the G2x's disappearance, but we'll be sure to let you know when/if it does. How many of you have had problems with your shiny new G2x?

UPDATE: According to T-Mobile, the G2x hasn't been pulled from shelves. Instead, the carrier said that the G2x is so popular that there have been inventory constraints. The full statement from T-Mo:

"The T-Mobile G2x with Google has been a highly popular device with both customers and employees since its launch last month, and high demand has resulted in inventory constraints, which we are working with LG to address."

Via TmoNews, BGR

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