HTC ThunderBolt not launching until after the iPad 2?

The latest HTC ThunderBolt launch rumor pegged the device's launch for March 10th, aka this Thursday, but a new leak has shown that we may be stuck waiting even longer for Verizon's first LTE smartphone. The chart up above was sent over to Droid-Life and shows the iPad 2 square between the XOOM and ThunderBolt. As we all know, the XOOM launched on February 24th and the iPad 2 is set to arrive on March 11th, meaning that we could be waiting until March 17th for the ThunderBolt to finally strike.

We've been lusting after the TBolt ever since it was revealed at the beginning of January, but between the numerous "delays"/lack of concrete release date and the possible $300 price tag, some of us may be losing interest in the device. This is especially true considering that we're inching closer to seeing dual-core devices like the DROID Bionic, which is slated to arrive at then end of the second quarter. What do you all think? Do you still want the ThunderBolt or have you moved on to some other upcoming device?

Via Droid-Life

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