Will a Torch on Verizon help their BlackBerry sales?

It's pretty evident that BlackBerrys on Verizon aren't faring so well against the competition. Android has been stealing the spotlight one device launch at a time, but a new BlackBerry launch could definitely put a new spin on things. It's been quite a while since anything from RIM came down the pipe for Verizon. There has been the Bold 9650 (one of my all time favorite devices) and the new Curve 3G, but there has been nothing truly new or exclusive to hit their shelves since the Storm2. However, that should change fairly soon if analysts are right about the Torch coming to Big Red in 2011. I can see this happening since AT&T's exclusivity will soon be coming to an end, but there really hasn't been any talk of a CMDA Torch. It could possibly be an LTE device, but CDMA is more likely.
Verizon is on an Android binge, and they're pushing the platform as hard as they can. I can barely remember when the BlackBerry Bold or Storm2 launched on Big Red, but I don't think anyone can forget when the original Motorola Droid launched. Ever since, they have been fueling money into marketing for "Droid" and it's been working well for them and Android as a whole. But RIM has been getting little to no love from the carrier. In fact, I went into a Verizon store just a few weeks back wanting to exchange an Android device for a BlackBerry and the representative asked me, verbatim, "Are you stupid?" BlackBerry may not be adapting to the smartphone rush as quickly as others, but they're still capable and still the better choice for some users, and wanting to go with a BlackBerry device over Android definitely doesn't constitute that question.
Verizon BlackBerry users have been rather neglected. Still waiting for their upgrade to BlackBerry 6, their 'Berrys are running on OS 5.0 and sporting the dreadful hourglass of death. Adding some fresh software to the mix – the new WebKit browser and overall, a much faster experience – would surely help things on the BlackBerry front. But with representatives unwilling to recognize BlackBerry's place in the mobile world, their fate is doomed on the carrier, Torch or no Torch.
Alex is right when he says that the BlackBerry Torch can't hold a candle to its Android counterparts or the iPhone in terms of sheer specifications and speed, but that doesn't hasn't stopped it from decent sales on AT&T. Sales for the Torch have been improving over the last few months and I think it would sell pretty well on Verizon, too.
Sure, Android and a potential iPhone on Verizon would be a thorn in their side, but there are still users on Verizon that love their BlackBerrys and keep coming back. Keeping the software behind the curve and not putting any next-generation BlackBerrys on their shelves really isn't fair to the platform or their users, and will make it near impossible to pull new users in. However, releasing a device that brings both of these changes should be well received and welcomed by at least mediocre sales. With that being said, have you and/or someone you know been waiting on a Torch for Verizon? Would you buy one if it came to Verizon?

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