While the Android Market has improved quite a bit ever since it was first introduced, some users still have a few complaints with the service. Google is planning to address one of them within the next few days, as they plan to require apps to have one of the four following content ratings: All, Pre-teen, Teen, and Mature. Beginning next week, developers submitting new software or updates to existing apps will need to include a rating with their submission. Devs will have the next few weeks to include a rating with their apps, but once the ratings go live to end-users, any apps without a rating will automatically be marked as "Mature."
This news may not be what some users were waiting for, but it's a good step in making the Android Market even more competitive with the other application stores in the industry. The new content ratings could go a long way toward helping users find appropriate software in the ever-growing Market, and could make the platform more attractive for parents looking to pick up a smartphone for kids. While we're on the topic of enhancements being brought to the Android Market, what would you like to see change about Google's app store?