Judging by the number of rumors we've seen in the past, it's looking more and more likely that we'll be seeing RIM's BlackPad later this year. One big question that is still unanswered, however, is just what OS will the device be running when it launches? Three sources speaking to Bloomberg believe that RIM will use software built by QNX Software Systems on their tablet offering rather than their own spiffy new BlackBerry 6 OS. One of Bloomberg's sources explained that RIM decided not to use BB 6 because of some legacy code that is still present in the OS. RIM actually purchased QNX back in April for $200 million, so it'll be interesting to see what QNX can churn out for them.
I'm a little surprised that RIM isn't sticking with BlackBerry 6, especially considering the OS just came out, but I suppose with their new software built by QNX, the BlackPad will be getting a completely fresh start. I just hope that RIM can get significant developer support and consumer interest for their tablet, especially with all of the new tablet devices slated to come out in the next six months. Would any of you BlackBerry fanatics, or anyone else out there, pick up a tablet from RIM?